Friday, July 2, 2010

Bachelorette party

One of my best friends got married last week-end, so naturally we had a party for her. To be more specific, we had a bachelorette party for her. This is not to be confused with a bridal shower. The bridal shower is the one you invite your grandma to. The bachelorette party is the one you don't invite your grandma to. For example, you would not invite your grandma to a bar.*

Also, you wouldn't try to convince your grandma to follow the bar with... more drinking!**

Nor would you invite her to partake of a dessert that everyone affectionately calls "Satan"***

However, that is exactly what you would do at a bachelorette party.

Before you start worrying about my eternal salvation and stuff,
*Spark is a non-alcoholic bar
**this drink is Martinellis cider (with quite a bit of head, I might add)
***this is a delicious dessert that Jessie (the reason for the party) made for us girls freshman year--we call it Satan because it has pudding, cream, oreos, fat, more fat, sugar, more sugar, and more fat. In other words, it will probably destroy your body. But it is oh, so good.

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