One glorious sunset
One Eiffel Tower
Four or five vague story elements (this may take some prior preparation)
Eyeliner (black and brown)
Several baguettes (varies according to how many people you are with)
One or more digital cameras
A loss of all sense of propriety
Hundreds of People
Five friendly French boys
Spread out the glorious sunset all across the sky. Then place the Eiffel Tower in the middle. Now, with your fellow cooks, hash out the four or five vague story elements. Use the eyeliner to draw moustaches on your fellow chefs.
When you have done that, take the baguettes in hand, and take out the digital cameras. Use the cameras to film your fellow chefs using their loss of all sense of propriety by fighting each other with the baguettes in front of hundreds of people.
When you are close to the end of filming, get the five friendly French boys to take your picture in front of the Eiffel Tower. And then let some of them be in your picture.
Mix all together and enjoy.
*We used my friend’s camera for everything, so when she sends them to me or puts them on facebook or whatever, I will illustrate this little recipe for you.
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