Then I had a row to myself on the flight to Dallas and from Dallas to Paris (9 hours) I sat next to a delightful older gentleman from Barcelona, Spain who apparently played soccer professionally for Barcelona, has traveled all over the world, and realizes now the importance of family. It was really nice just to hear him talk about his life. He was so nice, making sure that I had a way to get to where I was going (no, I did not tell him exactly where I was going) and money to get there. Also, both of my flights were exactly on time leaving and a little bit early arriving. Woot!
And then after that, a driver named Ahmed who's parents are from Morocco, took us through the CrAzY traffic of Paris (motorcycles form their own lanes, on the white lines, as do cars sometimes), where I saw this:
and this:
and this:
Any wonder why I don't feel like this is real yet?
I am so stinking Jealous! have fun!
If I'm not mistaken, that guy in your picture is the guy they baptize in the movie "The Best 2 Years".....good work!!! (and if it's not, the picture looks exactly like the actor)
I got your text late yesterday because my phone was dead- surprise surprise! I am so excited for you!! Those pictures are fantastic and yes, they make me jealous!! I'm looking forward to checking your blog and getting periodic updates. Be safe! Oh, glad you didn't give out your address and the boy in your first picture looks familiar. Or maybe he just has a familiar face... Ü
Just have to say that Lindsay's comment was not up when I wrote mine (I started before the kids left to go home and it's been a few hours since then) so maybe he was in that movie... I don't know.
Dear Sarah,
Fred says he knows Scott really well. :P he was over at their house yesterday morning, and he wishes he had known that you met him.
Love, Karrae
ps. scott is the guy in the picture. the actor dude.
Ha! That's super funny that Fred would know him. Well, the next time he sees him he can tell him who I am.
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